Increase Productivity & Efficiency

Discover how our jib cranes can optimize your workspace and streamline work processes.

Efficient Jib Crane Solutions

Our jib cranes create up to three working levels, optimizing workplace layouts for maximum efficiency.

Fast and uncomplicated installation, ease of initial operation, maintenance and simple servicing distinguish an BS crane from the competition. The especially high ‘service friendliness’ of our crane technology has been an essential aspect of the ABUS philosophy from the very beginning. The modularity of our crane systems enables quick repair as well as simple conversion or extension of the systems. All electrical modules are of plug-in type and can, therefore, be easily exchanged or extended. Thus, we guarantee our customers not only fast but also uncomplicated repair work. You will receive complete solutions for your building requirements from BS Crane Systems. Our cranes are the optimal means for uncomplicated and efficient transport of tools or heavy loads. You will always receive our lifting equipment with the hoists adapted to the application. Both our electric chain hoists and our electric wire rope hoists are characterized by their small construction heights and offer a wide variety of lifting speeds.

Our cranes provide more productivity and economy on all levels.
With our cranes, we create up to three working levels that make perfect use of your hall geometry, combine workplaces with each other and thus optimise work processes.